{"id":1085,"date":"2024-03-26T16:20:56","date_gmt":"2024-03-26T22:20:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/paintedream.com\/?page_id=1085"},"modified":"2024-03-27T18:06:07","modified_gmt":"2024-03-28T00:06:07","slug":"spirit-tended-healing","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/paintedream.com\/spirit-tended-healing\/","title":{"rendered":"Spirit-Tended Healing"},"content":{"rendered":"

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What is Spirit-tended healing?<\/h2>\n

Spirit-tended healing is working with wise, compassionate, benevolent spirits to bring healing and balance to others on the level of spirit.<\/p>\n

Places of imbalance, stuckness, and challenge we face on the levels of spirit, emotion, mind and body, often originate in the realm of the unseen, and often come about because of events that occurred long ago.<\/p>\n

In many cases related to trauma, these imbalances can create challenges for us\u2014 including the \u201cfracturing\u201d of our souls, the presence of other than self energies in our energetic fields, binds to our energy, harmful thought forms, and other such situations that can directly impact our day to day lives.<\/p>\n

With the guidance of wise and powerful spirit support, tracking to the origin of the imbalance can lead us to discover ancestral, early life, and even past life events that were left untended.<\/p>\n

This work often involves some aspects of ancestral healing as well as what is commonly known as energy clearing, soul retrieval and compassionate relocation of spirit presences, including the unraveling of energy binds and patterns.<\/p>\n


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What to expect in a session?<\/h2>\n

Healing is a layered and mysterious process. This modality is spirit led and therefore can offer up unexpected and surprising directions. I respect the pacing and rhythms that come naturally to each person and hold the prayer for the session to meet your healing intentions in a way that is ready to be met (by you and by me) and can be gently integrated.<\/p>\n

While allowing for generous integration time between sessions, in some cases doing a series of sessions is most beneficial. This can aid in the process of integration, and\/or the healing occuring on one layer can reveal additional layers underneath that come to the surface and need support.<\/p>\n

This work can be very deep and therefore can require some time and support to assimilate. As I am not a licensed therapist, it is not for folks who are experiencing active trauma or unstable mental health. Please schedule a free 20-minute chat with me before booking to see if it\u2019s the right fit for you at this time.<\/p>\n


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This work is something to consider if\u2014<\/h2>\n